Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog

Announcing the Fabric Roadmap

Thank you so much for all the feedback you’ve been giving us during the Fabric public preview. Your feedback has been invaluable as we continue to build Microsoft Fabric. One area you’ve been extremely clear about is that you need to understand the roadmap – what features are coming and when to expect them.

We heard you.

Today, we are announcing the Fabric Roadmap:

The regular publishing of this roadmap will help ensure you have line-of-sight into how Fabric is going to address your needs.

Currently, the Power BI roadmap is published in the Power Platform release plans. We plan to merge those Power BI plans into the Fabric Roadmap. After that, you will have a single, unified roadmap for all of Microsoft Fabric.

Kapcsolódó blogbejegyzések

Announcing the Fabric Roadmap

május 16, 2024 Készítette Dan Liu

Leverage the power of task flows to design and build your data solutions and manage workspace items in Microsoft Fabric. We’re thrilled to announce that the task flows feature is now in public preview and is enabled for all existing Microsoft Fabric users. Fabric is unifying everything needed to deliver end-to-end data and analytics solutions … Continue reading “Announcing the public preview of task flows in Microsoft Fabric”

május 14, 2024 Készítette Nimrod Shalit

We are happy to share that new items are available to use in CI/CD. You can also build a full E2E automated CI/CD with Fabric APIs. Click to read more, and learn about additional announcements.