Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog

Announcement: Eventhouse Standard Storage Billing

As part of the consumption model for Eventhouse, we are enabling Standard Storage consumption. This change is scheduled to start rolling out the week of September 16th. This means that you will start seeing billable consumption of the OneLake Storage Data Stored meter from the Eventhouse and KQL Database artifacts. For details on all things KQL Database and Eventhouse consumption check out this article.

OneLake Standard Storage used to persist and store all queryable data. When you set the retention policy, you affect this storage tier. For instance, if you need to maintain 365 days of queryable data you can set the retention to 365 days. This storage tier is comparable to the Azure ADLS (Azure Data Lake Storage) hot tier.

The amount of standard storage is controlled via your retention policy. To understand how to configure you retention policy check out this article

You can monitor how much OneLake Standard storage you are utilizing via the Microsoft Fabric Capacity Metrics App under the storage tab. Usage from KQL Database and Eventhouse will be reported via the KustoStandardStorage Operation Name. The “Billing Type” will change from “Non-billable” to “Billable”.

Fabric Capacity Metric App

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Eventhouse/KQL Consumption

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Eventhouse Minimum Consumption

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