Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog

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Introducing High Concurrency Mode in Notebooks for Data Engineering and Data Science workloads in Microsoft Fabric

We are excited to announce a new high concurrency mode in Fabric for Data Engineering and Data Science. This allows users to share Spark compute across multiple notebooks within a workspace which means that you can run multiple Spark notebooks simultaneously on the same Spark session without compromising performance or security when paying for a …

Service principal support to connect to data in Dataflow, Datamart, Dataset and Dataflow Gen 2

Today I am very excited to announce that Azure service principal has been added as an authentication type for a set of data sources that can be used in Dataset, Dataflow, Dataflow Gen2 and Datamart.  Azure service principal is a security identity that is application based and can be assigned permissions to access your data …

Harness the Power of LangChain in Microsoft Fabric for Advanced Document Summarization

Author(s):Amir Jafari, Senior Product Manager in Azure Data.Sheryl Zhao, Principal Applied Scientist in Azure Data.Mark Hamilton, Senior Software Engineer in Azure Data.Nellie Gustafsson, Principal PM Manager in Azure Data. In our previous blog, we showcased the capability of Microsoft Fabric and SynapseML to utilize large language models (LLMs) for efficient question and answer tasks on …

Accessing Microsoft Fabric for developers, startups and enterprises!

Microsoft Fabric is a cloud-based platform that offers various services and experiences for different analytical scenarios, such as data engineering, data science, real-time analytics, and business intelligence. Microsoft Fabric is built on a foundation of Software as a Service (SaaS), which means that users do not have to worry about the underlying infrastructure or management …